
We provide comprehensive information about all registered vehicles and cars in the UK. This includes vehicle general information, mot status, tax status, mileage check, mot history, salvage history, stolen check, outstanding finanace check and other information. All of the key information in one place. To check more details about all information included in our reports, visit pricing and packages page.

This is useful for users who are looking to purchase a car or vehicle and want to do proper research on the car and related details to make a well informed decision. They can find here all required information which may help them to make an important decision for their purchase.

This may also be useful for employees of certain companies who want to do research on different vehicles and historical information as the information available may help them in their decision. We keep the data upto date by improving it continuously in terms of accuracy and by adding more datasets.

Further alerts can be set to get automatic notifications whenever there are changes in the vehicle details.

We use publicly available data to compile information about the cars and vehicles and we make sure about the accuracy, however if there are errors in public data sets, it could be the reason for inaccuracies.

We have processes in place to keep correcting the data and improve the accuracy. We really appreciate input from the members of the public or vehicle owners to correct the information. Please contact us using this link to report about a problem in the data about a specific vehicle and suggest the required corrections.

If you purchase more than one report, you will get a discounted price per report. To avail the discount, you can purchase vouchers in advance and use vouchers for your required vehicle checks whenever needed in the future.

Vouchers are valid for one year after date of purchase. You can use vouchers anytime within 1 year.

There are two ways, order a Premium car check report directly or purchase vouchers for later use. If you do not want to purchase vouchers then you can purchase Premium car check report directly from your free vehicle report page using "Upgrade Report" button in right menu bar. To open free report for your vehicle, go to home page and search your vehicle registeration number.

No, basic (free) car check report can be seen and downloaded without voucher. Simply search your required registration number in the search bar available in the top header or in home page. Alternatively browse car registration numbers list to find your vehicle using this link.

Additional Services

Yes, if the services available on this website are not suitable then we are open to provide custom services. Any interested customer may contact us.

We are a technology company and our team is experienced in application of data engineering and data science in a variety of datasets. So we are open to discuss any custom required services or business partnerships.

Charges and Payments

We do not charge for services available on the public side of our website including browsing and finding all information under all categories. We only charge a minimal fee for optional advanced and specialist reports including advanced information.

This excludes any custom services which any customer may need. If any such services are agreed with potential customers then the charges will be discussed and agreed on case by case base.